
Lipids & Hypertension
A virtual chronic disease management program.
We have enrolled 10,000+ patients with high blood pressure and cholesterol. Delivery was driven by navigators and pharmacists utilizing remote monitoring devices.
Sponsor: Mass General Brigham

Diabetes Remote Intervention to improVe use of Evidence-based medications
A remote diabetes management study of 200 patients, testing different strategies to improve utilization of new guideline-recommended glucose-lowering medications with cardiovascular and renal benefit.
Sponsor: Novo Nordisk

Continuous Versus Occasional BP Study
The COOL-BP study of 50 patients is evaluating a cuff less BP monitoring bracelet and how its data can be incorporated into remote hypertension management.
Sponsor: Aktiia

Supplementary Anti-obesity medication Integration into Longitudinal obesity study Program
The development and implementation of an evidence-based algorithm for initiation, optimization, monitoring, and management of therapies for 200 patients with obesity and obesity-related health effects.

A Cognitive behavioral digital Therapeutic Intervention for glycemic control in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Randomized controlled trial of a digital therapeutic (BT-001) for the treatment of T2DM in 500 patients.
Sponsor: Better Therapeutics

Partnerships for Reducing Overweight or Obesity with Patient-Centered Strategies 2.0
PROPS 2.0 is a 12-month program in 5000 patients that pairs an online program or app called RestoreHealth with live, one-on-one coaching. The purpose of this program is to help learn healthy habits, lose weight, and improve health.
Sponsor: PCORI

Platelet Inventory Matching Application
Optimizing Blood Bank platelet distribution
An application used by the BWH Blood Bank in conjunction with the Tissue Typing Lab to find the best platelet match in inventory for 500 bone marrow transplant recipients.
Sponsor: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Pathology

Virtual Heart Failure
Brigham and Women’s Hospital Heart Failure Optimization Project
A care redesign program that developed and deployed a remote, navigator and pharmacist-led disease management program in 1000 patients heart failure with reduced ejections that delivered a population-level strategy for rapidly closing the gap between guidelines and clinical practice in patients with heart failure.
Sponsor: Novartis

Cooperative Program for Implementation of Optimal Therapy in Heart Failure
Randomized controlled trial of guideline-directed medication optimization in 500 patients with Heart Failure.
Sponsor: Boehringer Ingelheim

Virtual Prostate Cancer Clinic
Virtual Clinic for routine PSA and symptom monitoring
A virtual care service for eligible patients who have received radiation treatment for prostate cancer in the BWH Department of Radiation Oncology. The program has enrolled over 2000 patients to date.
Sponsor: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Radiation Oncology

Utilization of Behavioral Insights in Patient Engagement Messaging to Improve Patient Enrollment in a Remote Cardiovascular Health Management Program
This randomized trial assessed the impact of behavioral insights-derived messages on patient enrollment in the Remote Cardiovascular Health program.
Sponsor: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Division of Cardiology

iHeart Champion
Remote Medication Management for Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia
AllWays Health Partners launched the iHeart Champion program, a collaboration to scale the BWH remote lipid and hypertension optimization program with the goal of improving health outcomes for 1,300 members.
Sponsor: AllWays Health Partners

Brigham Lipid Optimization Program (B-LO)
A Remote lipid management program which used effective cholesterol-lowering medications to reduce LDL levels in 1,000 BCBS of Massachusetts members.
Sponsor: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts